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Thrifty Weekend Makeover: Part III

Welcome to Part III of my Thrifty Weekend Makeover, 
where we're Re-Styling Rooms using items found in the house
and adding some thrifted elements!

In the family room reveal in my last post, I hinted that there was something around
 that I was REALLY excited to share with you!
So, just peek around the right side of that wall with the hat and clock and straw bag on it...

 BEFORE, you would have seen THIS:
It's a regular-sized closet, refitted years ago to hold wine accoutrements 
(glasses, wine-related picnic ware, 2 small wine fridges, etc.) 
as well as the LARGE oak leaves for the dining room table.

 Well, that just didn't go with the Tropical theme, so I got busy...

 I took down the curtain, emptied everything out of there, and then painted it.
This paint is the wall color from the living & dining rooms in the house,
and I used half a gallon of it that was out in the garage.
[it took THREE COATS to cover the raspberry red!]

You can just see the edge of a mural on the garage door before
I painted that out, too - the trim is now white and the wall & door are tan.
[it's okay - I painted that mural back in 1991. I've hated it ever since.]

Then I put everything back in the closet, starting with the two wine fridges 
and the table leaves... only I laid one of the table leaves on TOP of the fridges, 
creating a totally usable counter area that wasn't there before.
And then I decorated it!

If you're ready to see what it looks like NOW, continue reading...

Are ya' ready for this reveal?!!
Dark. Wine themed. Basically a storage area.
And the valance on the curtain closes off the space.
And then there's that mural that I don't like...

HELLO, Wine Bar!
The tan paint job really lightens and opens up the space.
Bright floral fabric matches the pillows in the family room, 
and hanging two long panels of it over a spring-rod is an easy way to create curtains  -
but without a valance, the space seems taller and wider.

The door now has a mirror on it, which reflects light from the backyard and family room - 
also helping to brighten up this space. The mirror was on the back of a bedroom door, unused.
oh, those walls... SO dark.
And the glassware was just overwhelming!

The lighter walls make the space feel much larger, cleaner, and more open.
The wood table leaf as counter makes perfect use of a large piece - 
instead of just having it lean against the wall [the other one still does, on the right]

Because the wine-holder brackets were not painted before, I left them wood-tone - 
and now they coordinate perfectly with the wood counter.
Here's a view into the Wine Bar, showing the wood table leaf counter.
It offers a great place to display pretty barware, as well as open a wine bottle.

There's a regular clamp light  attached to the wall up and to the left -
it was always there, actually, but the lighter wall color here makes the light work better.

The white plastic faux bamboo mirror doesn't look as cheap as it actually was [thrifted]
when it's tucked onto the back wall and reflects sparkling wine glasses.

There are two baskets [already had them] on the top shelf, 
and they hold items that don't really get much use - 
like Holiday wine glasses and the ever-growing collection of tasting glasses from wineries.
I simply wrapped a leftover strip of the floral fabric around each basket, 
and tucked it up into the 'cuff' of the existing canvas liners.
A small tag on each identifies the contents, used only once a year or so.

 Here's a better shot of the mural on the 'before' door. MEH.
In that mural was a hot air balloon with a custom logo that I designed for my parents'
fictitious Turtle Creek Winery. Don't ask.
I didn't paint over that balloon.

The square shot in the center, above, shows that the balloon is now
surrounded with tan paint on the 'after' door - behind the mirror.

Above the mirror on the door, there is a blue sign [Dollar Tree store]
I liked the color and size of it, but I did something else with it...
 I flipped it over and hand-painted the word BEACH on the back of it, 
using the house's white trim paint.

OK... now, that sign isn't there just for decor purposes... It ACTUALLY points to the beach!
Just probably not the beach you might be expecting...

Located to the right of this door is the Guest Bath!
Noooo, we're NOT DONE YET!
Welcome to the Guest Bath Reveal!
The mural on the door to the garage was just the beginning...
there's a full wall mural with the same vineyard scene in the bathroom.
The window has a large valance that matches the one on the wine storage closet,
and the ceiling is covered with white lattice - draped in vines and hanging grape clusters.

The mural has been completely repainted, and now reflects the tropical theme
with a view of the beach, ocean, palm trees, and islands.

The window valance is now made up of three bamboo placemats, hung over a curtain rod.
A simple treatment that allows MUCH more light into the room!

Here's the BEST [composite] shot of the mural that I can give you:

It's not a perfect photo, but the best I can do with a room this small.
The door into the room is on the left side, and the window is on the right.
That sink you see in the photo sits to the right of the door
[that shot was actually taken in the mirror, and I flipped it here]

While the mural scene was inspired by a photograph from Kauai
I painted the trees to resemble the prints on 1940's vintage barkcloth fabric.
The mural took me one day to paint, AFTER the rest of the makeover was done,
and I used house paint, oops paint [from ReStore] and craft paints.
The door was painted to look like a worn wooden garden gate.
The painted stone wall went all the way to the floor.

The door is now painted to look like a bamboo door - even the trim.
The 'Tiki Bar' sign is painted on the door.
The mural stops at the baseboard, and I painted the baseboard to match the floor. 

[ I used a faux wood grain technique, similar to the bamboo effect ]
That makes the room appear larger AND gives the effect of an outdoor deck,
which is exactly how I wanted the viewer to feel: 
like they walked out a door and onto a beachside deck!
The mural transitioned onto the adjacent wall in a way that appeared to be
a stucco house crumbling away,with the stone walls visible.

I left the original stones in this location, but added shadows and more detail to them, 
then I painted the sand color in some places to look as if the stucco wall was wearing away.
A framed poster with old wine labels on it 
hangs on the lattice-covered wall behind the commode.

A simple burlap tote bag hangs on the wall and

holds a turquoise rolled-up towel  and a peach beach-logo tshirt [thrifted]. 

Now you can see just WHY these two projects are my favorite part of the makeover!

They really allowed me to play with the theme in an 'over the top' way, 
because they are small spaces that don't get a lot of viewing time.
That's just one little trick of working with a theme.

Don't miss Part I and Part II of this makeover!

Stay tuned for Part IV with the 
Living & Dining Room Reveals


  1. So cute! I love the bar closet - the perfect place to grab a frosty beverage after a hot day on the beach! Really like the bath theme too! I'm more of a beach girl than a wine country girl! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Leena

  2. I love the closet makeover! Wow, what a difference! And I especially like the curtains. Great job, Deb!

    Julie @ This Gal Cooks

  3. Hi Deb! This looks fantastic and what a great idea! Thank you so much for joining us and sharing at Best of the Weekend - pinning to our party board and to one of my boards. Will be sharing on FB over the weekend. Hope your weekend is wonderful and please join us next week! Hugs!
