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More Office Organization Ideas!

 WOW! I can't begin to tell you how much traffic that
my office organization post 
has generated!
it seems EVERYONE is looking for ideas and inspiration
to make their creative spaces work for them...
so I've located MORE ideas & images to share from my archives.

In that post shown above,
you saw images of my neutral color vintage-style office/studio space
 in dream house C.
the images i found are of farmhouse B, and cottage house A.
[i know that's confusing - i moved a lot! imagine how i felt!]

the great thing about moving a lot is that i discovered many ways 
for the fixtures and accessories that i had 
to work in ALL of those rooms, in ALL of those houses:
the IKEA shelf unit, the tall work table, the old shutters,
and the shallow IKEA drawers
were workhorses that i could fit into almost every one of my offices.

by using inexpensive paper from dollar tree and target, or thrift stores, 
i could create a whole new look in each room...
sometimes in the SAME ROOM
(what can i say? i'm a decorator. stuff HAS to change! 
that's why i like doing it on the CHEAP!)

here's how my office in house B looked for awhile:

 the dollar store is a terrific place for cheap supplies to spiff up your office!
from wrapping paper and gift bags to file folders, stickers,
scrapbook paper and tote bags,
there are a lot of paper and fabric items there that can be used to 
contain, separate, organize, cover, and decorate your office supplies...

it's also the easiest, cheapest way to take a bunch of old things like 
boxes, tins, and clipboards 
and make them beautifully usable again!

 by coordinating the color and patterns of the components, 
you'll instantly add a visual update AND a cleaner look to your office!
the selection of paper and fabric goods was gathered up at Dollar Tree stores 
and also from the 'sale'-item aisle endcaps in the stationery department of Target
the common theme here is black and white glamour,
and every item has many uses...

*shown in the first photo above, i took the wrapping papers from Target 
and covered small boxes with them.
they hold post-it notes, pencils, and other small items on my desk + worktable.

*i also covered the drawers on two slim drawer sections from IKEA
(had those already), 
my mouse pad, and several composition books for notes -
all it takes is a gluestick!

*several pieces of corkboard were covered with scrapbook & wrapping papers
for my inspiration board backgrounds [not shown],
and the waterproofed totes from the Dollar Tree store
hold craft supplies, trims, etc.
elsewhere in the office, other black and white accessories add more interest:
*clear jars hold vintage bobbins, bingo cards, and white flowers
*paper-covered shoe boxes stack up to hold craft supplies or project components

of course, you can also use vintage sheet music and book pages
to cover everything in an office to coordinate the decor...
I've done that, too!

let's take a look at a few details from my House B office/studio space 
in a whole new color palette and style :
above is the office/studio in house B
which was also shown in the black & white decor images above -
only instead of being black and white, now it's filled with cozy neutrals.

it's simply a change of the paper that is covering containers & inspiration boards,
a wardrobe change for the mannequin, new paint on the chandelier,
and a few small accessory switches to make the room look completely different!

things that i really liked about that office:

* it felt bright all the time because of the mirrored closet doors (see in reflection)
and because i put MORE mirrors on the opposite wall.  
light bounced EVERYWHERE
[and in the Pacific NorthWest, you need all the light you can GET]

* this was the first time i had the tall work table and high barstools in an office,
and they worked SO well for me.
i stand up a lot and move around when i am working,
so this arrangement makes everything more accessible.

* you can see the dictionary-page-covered file cabinet 
[shown below in an image from the other post]
under the work table. i LOVED this piece!

below is the office/studio in house A
it's one you haven't seen yet...
though other posts have shown the beautiful white mantel in this tiny cottage!

tiny would be the operative word here - this room was only 11 by 9.
nevertheless, i fit a LOT of storage in here [used the vertical space!]
and even took the closet doors off so that built-ins could be used in there, too. 

and, okay, you may notice that at the time,
i was heavily into chartreuse green. and pink.
 but even though now i think i would go bonkers in that room, 
the happy, bright pink and green papers [yes, dollar tree and target!]
really went a long way in coordinating a bunch of haphazard elements in here.

it's REALLY important to reduce the LOOK of clutter
as well as the ACTUAL clutter 
when your entire HOME is only nine hundred square feet!
 things that i really liked about that office:

* the green damask paper was FLOCKED. uh huh! 
i got it at Target - in 2007.
it covered pinboards that were nothing more than simple squares
cut from 4 X 8 sheets of rigid insulation! yes, building supplies!

* the glass jars holding colorful crafting supplies... and yes, candy

* the hot pink cards hanging from the wire mobile
tearsheets from O magazine, with encouraging quotes on them.

the wonderful enamel-top farm table.
i used that table in dozens of ways for over 18 years!

* did you see the chandelier?! it's green in this room.
it was about twelve colors in the twenty years that i owned it!

i hope these ideas inspire you to see what you can do 
with what you already have on hand and can get inexpensively.


  1. Love your posts and your rooms, thank you for sharing. Congratulation s on your item in romantic homes. Going back to re read it

  2. I have really enjoyed your ideas. The colors have changed, but you are still a queen of organizing. That is what I genuinely appreciate. Thanks for sharing
